Tuesday, January 26, 2010
October CAHSEE Results
The majority of schools whose upperclassmen took the California High School Exit Exam(CAHSEE) have received scores from this test date. This means that students will now know whether or not they passed the exam if they took the test in October of 2009. For many students this will mean that they are one step closer to a high school diploma, however, for others this will be yet another disappointment. Scores for students who took the exam in November are not widely available but should be making their ways to schools across the state soon. For those who took the exam in October and November, there is still a chance that they passed the November test.
Friday, January 22, 2010
CAHSEE Related Blogs and Websites
I want to take a few minutes and share a few other CAHSEE resources that are available on the internet. I am not necessarily endorsing everything that is said on these other blogs and websites but I do think that many of them offer lots of good information that can be very beneficial to students and teachers preparing for the CAHSEE. Some of these resources are provided by teachers and some are private companies. This list is in no way meant to be a comprehensive list of CAHSEE related sites but I do plan on updating the entry periodically as I find more resources on different websites. If you know of a great resource that should be included on this site feel free to leave a comment with a link to that resource. I will check out the site and most likely add it to the list. I'll break these down into a few different categories:
My Blog of course: CAHSEE Blog
Another CAHSEE Blog: CAHSEE Blog
A nice CAHSEE prep resource page: CAHSEE prep resources
A couple nice CAHSEE Related Articles:
Why the CAHSEE is good for education.
How Teachers Should Approach Teaching CAHSEE Material
Now I know that there are lots more but these are just a couple new ones that I came across that I thought I would share with the rest of you. Be on the lookout for any new resources that pop up and be sure to comment here so that the rest of the CAHSEE community can benefit.
My Blog of course: CAHSEE Blog
Another CAHSEE Blog: CAHSEE Blog
A nice CAHSEE prep resource page: CAHSEE prep resources
A couple nice CAHSEE Related Articles:
Why the CAHSEE is good for education.
How Teachers Should Approach Teaching CAHSEE Material
Now I know that there are lots more but these are just a couple new ones that I came across that I thought I would share with the rest of you. Be on the lookout for any new resources that pop up and be sure to comment here so that the rest of the CAHSEE community can benefit.
cahsee blogs,
cahsee resources,
cahsee websites
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
CAHSEE Exemptions
The state of California continues to try and come up with the best way to use the CAHSEE to improve education across the state. They have now made the decision that special education students will be permanently exempt from the CAHSEE graduation requirement. This means that student who are placed in the "special education" programs at various schools will receive diplomas without necessarily having passed the CAHSEE. This could be a major loophole that under-performing schools use to circumvent the CAHSEE. Since the decision on whether to place a student in the special ed program is typically a subjective one, it is not hard to imagine that this could become an increasing trend throughout the state. Let's hope that teachers, counselors, and administrators don't try to exploit this loophole. If the CAHSEE is going to do its job it will need the support of and commitment of high school faculty. This decision has already started to draw the attention of many educators who are in the blogosphere. Click here to read one teachers take on the new policy. Overall it will be important to make sure that the policy is not abused and that struggling students don't get the short end of the stick by being mislabeled as "special ed".
Monday, January 11, 2010
CAHSEE Prep Site, Drop-out Rates, and the Education Debate
This morning as I was surfing the net on the look out for new CAHSEE news or blog entries, I came across a nice post from a site called Ace Your Exit Exam. These guys seem to offer one of the top CAHSEE prep classes on the internet. I went through and looked at a few of their free CAHSEE lessons and I must say that I was pretty impressed. The material was well done and I liked what I saw. I have requested a teachers review series and once I receive it I will be posting some more on the content of their review course. They also have an interesting blog that has lots of CAHSEE related posts. The post from this morning dealt with how the CAHSEE impacts the drop-out rate. After I read the post(and subsequently the article it linked to) it got me thinking about why our schools are failing. Now this is something that I think about quite often and I usually come to the same conclusion. That conclusion inevitably is centered around the nature of the society we live in. Now anytime the problem is as dire as it is in our education system today it is usually the result of decades of mismanagement and downright incompetence. Before I digress too much let me get back to discussing how this relates to the California High School Exit Exam, better known as the CAHSEE. First of all lets just make it plain, the CAHSEE is not a difficult test. It tests basic understanding and implementation of the state content standards. It doesn't require advanced analysis on the part of the test-taker. If the standard is can a student perform 2 digit addition then the problem is something like 32 + 19. Nothing complicated, just can you do it? Now of course the CAHSEE tests standards that are more advanced than 2 digit addition but I use this example to underscore the fact that it is a straight forward test. So if kids fail at the rate that they do, then this tells us that they really aren't learning anything useful in school. This should have our population up in arms but it doesn't. Why not? Well its become accepted and it is always "someone else's problem". People now-a-days have become so complacent and apathetic that tragedies don't even phase them. Again I have digressed but the point here is we as a society don't care. Now some of us do, but as a whole we don't. If we did, there would be an unbelievable amount of outrage that such a high percentage of students can't get 55% on a simple test to demonstrate a basic level of competency prior to leaving high school. Now don't get me wrong there is outrage, it just isn't on the level that it should be. I'd love to hear some of your thoughts on this.
Impacting Drop-out Rate
Impacting Drop-out Rate
drop-out rates,
Friday, January 8, 2010
Welcome to the CAHSEE Blog
Hello world! Welcome to my little corner of cyberspace. I'm a blogger, at least I am trying to be :) I've decided to kick off a few blogs here on blogger.com and see if I can take a stab at becoming a famous writer. I have to chuckle to myself as I type this because there isn't a snowball's chance in you know where that I am ever going to bowl anyone over with my literary acumen. I will, however, try to use my new internet real estate as a forum to provide useful information to people who visit my site and do my best to present said information in an entertaining way. Thanks again for stopping by and yes this blog is going to be about the CAHSEE. I probably should have mentioned that earlier but I'm sure you can see the big CAHSEE in the main header of the page. For the uninitiated the CAHSEE is a test given to high school students in California. Kids must pass the test in order to get a high school diploma. CAHSEE stands for the California High School Exit Exam. It is a test that every kid looks forward to with great excitement and glee! Okay okay, most kids dread it. It's really not that bad though it just happens to cover 4 years worth of material a lot of which many students have forgotten. The test has two major parts, a math section and an English section. I'm not going to explain everything in super great detail but if you are interested here is a link that gives more information on the CAHSEE. I want to make this blog a semi forum for people to come and share there thoughts and ideas on anything that is related to the CAHSEE. If you are a teacher, student, parent, or just a citizen of this beautiful country of ours your opinions and thoughts are welcome on this blog. If you are a citizen of the world you are welcome too, everyone's thoughts are valuable! I plan to make several posts that will act as forum discussions on hot button topics that relate to the CAHSEE. If you happen to come across an interesting article or hear of some news story that is related please pass it on by leaving a comment and it might just make a great topic for a new discussion thread! In addition to CAHSEE specific topics we will also touch on general education issues. So if you come across anything from scholarships for non traditional students to schools offering tuition wavers, please share those as well. Thanks again for visiting and I hope you come back regularly!
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